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“Los Baños forestales”

"Baños forestales"

Shinrin'yoku 森林浴, el arte japonés de "sanar" el alma en los bosques

"Baños forestales", conocido como shinrin'yoku, es una fabulosa manera de experimentar la profunda conexión que une a los japoneses y la naturaleza durante milenios.


Los japoneses han estado adorando las montañas y los bosques durante tanto tiempo como la civilización japonesa ha existido. Donde hay una montaña, hay un kami (deidad sintoísta).


Venga a visitar a los kami de Tsuruoka aventurándose dentro de los bosques y absorba toda la buena energía que emana de los árboles.

Nuestras recomendaciones para bañarse en el bosque:

Genso no Mori, the "Forest of Illusions" (Tozawa Village)

Genso no Mori, the "Forest of Illusions" (Tozawa Village)


Yamagata Prefecture Natural Public Park

An ancient cedar tree forest in Tozawa-mura village (near Mogami river), where one can experience shinrin'yoku yoga.


Mogami, Haguro

Required time:

1 hour

Mt. Kinbo

Mt. Kinbo


Tangible Cultural Property, Scenic Place of Beauty

The shrine got registered in the list of National Important Cultural Properties in 2001 for its importance in the history of the Shugendo religion.


Yutagawa, Central Tsuruoka

Required time:

1 to 4 hours

Minami Dani

Minami Dani


Matsuo Basho's Oku no Hoso Michi

Once a temple, now a ruin, this is a beautiful alternative hike on Mt. Haguro.



Required time:

90 minutes

Kihi Shrine

Kihi Shrine


Natural Monument

The shrine worships Ukemochi no Kami (goddess of cereals and food), the Empress Jingu, and the legendary Yamato Takeru.


Yura, Central Tsuruoka

Required time:

30 minutes

Minakami Hachiman Shrine

Minakami Hachiman Shrine


Tangible Cultural Property

Its moss-covered stone path and its thatch-roofed shrine (National Important Cultural Property) give this place a timeless atmosphere.


Yutagawa, Central Tsuruoka

Required time:

30 minutes

Yuzusame Shrine

Yuzusame Shrine


Natural Monument

Though it was first built in 650, the current building is a reconstruction from the late 18th century.


Yutagawa, Central Tsuruoka

Required time:

30 minutes

Mizusawa's Kumano shrine

Mizusawa's Kumano shrine


Natural Monument

The shrine was first built during the 10th century. Behind the shrine, the giant cedar tree, which age has been estimated over 1000 years old, has been registered in the National Natural Monuments lists in 1927.


Yutagawa, Central Tsuruoka

Required time:

30 minutes


¡Este camino de peregrinación es de 44 km de largo! ¡Necesitará 3 días para recorrerlo todo! Así que recomendamos dividir su experiencia de senderismo en varias partes. Pregunte a nuestros guías locales cuál puede ser su mejor itinerario.

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